Bedru Balana
Bedru Balana is an Environmental Economist. In ALTER, he is the co-lead on WP1 on social and economic issues. Bedru’s research includes integrated economic and biophysical analysis of environmental management options, trade-offs, synergies, and multi-criteria analysis of environmental decisions affecting water and land resources; linkages between ecosystems and poverty; and environmental valuation. Bedru’s expertise includes cost effectiveness analysis, economics of ecosystem services; cost-benefit analysis, multi-criteria analysis, interdisciplinary research, conjoint/choice analysis, and poverty-environment analysis. Bedru has been involved in ESPA BESSA; Defra Payments for Ecosystem Services; SNH Development of Soil guidance and Managing and restoring blanket bog; DFID NET-RC Small scale biogas and poverty alleviation Africa; EU FP7 REFRESH Adaptive strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on European freshwater ecosystems; Defra Cost curves for mitigation of soil compaction. Previously Bedru worked at the James Hutton Institute, but moved to IWMI in 2014.