Southern Agricultural Research Institute

The Southern Agricultural Research Institute (SARI) is a government research institution that was established to serve Southern Regional State of Ethiopia (SRSE) by developing, adapting and promoting agricultural technologies to ensure food security, and sustainable natural resources management. Regionally SARI coordinates agricultural and natural resources research being conducted by other institutions including universities. Under SARI there are six research centres located across different agro-ecologies and socio-cultures. It has three broad research areas, namely natural resources, crops and livestock researches. SARI has been recognized in the regional state with proven capacity in developing and disseminating natural resources and agricultural to improve livelihoods of the farming communities. SARI has strong linkage with various international research and donor organizations such as CIAT, CIMMYT, Centre for Development and Environment of Switzerland, McKnight Foundation, International Centre for Potato (CIP), Wageningen University and Research and Irish AID. SARI will coordinate the Ethiopian component ALTER research project and will co-lead on WP2. The biophysical field sampling and characterisation will be carried out by SARI in partnership with researching engaging in development and use of spectral methods, alongside laboratory standard methods, GIS and spatial analyses and linking biophysical information to peoples’ livelihoods and practices. Communities in the the Alaba study area have longstanding working relationships with SARI and its Alaba District Office. SARI will also foster the links with EthioSIS (ATA): a SARI staff member is seconded to this Government initiative. The majority of soil and other environmental analyses will be carried out at SARI.