Hawassa University

Hawassa University (HU) is a major public university in Ethiopia with a critical role in the country’s economic, social and technological development and community outreach. Hawassa University has a strong tradition in initiating and completing collaborative research projects conducted with different organizations and universities from around the world. Collaborators with which HU has on-going and completed research projects are:Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD),Norwegian Cooperation for Higher Education (NUFU), Canadian International Development Authority (CIDA), Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) [completed], Wageningen University of Agriculture, Oklahoma State University(USA), Colorado State University(USA),University of Hohenheim (Germany), Scottish Agricultural College (UK), Wageningen University, Biodiversity International, and Internationa Foundations for Science. HU is an institution which has organized itself into seven colleges, 1 institute, 20 schools and 16 departments that offer training in 104 fields of study ranging from Agriculture, Natural and Social Sciences and Engineering to Medical and Health sciences to more than 25,000 students. Currently, the University has four campuses namely Main Campus; Agriculture Campus, Wondo Genet Campus, and Medical & Health Sciences Campus. At present the University is running about 107 nationally funded and around 10 internationally funded research projects that cover both natural and social science disciplines.