Tewodros Tefera
Tewodros is Assistant Professor at Hawassa University, Ethiopia took his MSc degree from National University of Ireland, Dublin, in Rural Development in 2004. Currently he is serving as a full time staff and a coordinator of an international project known as Capacity Building for Scaling up of Evidence Based Best Practices in Agricultural Production in Ethiopia which invoves Wageningen University and Research Center. His Ph.D is in Agricultural Economics. His PhD dissertation was on “Ethiopian Land Policy, Tenurial Structure- Arrangement and Prospect for Agricultural Development”, NG Agricultural University, India . Moreover, he chairs a Research and Publication committee of School of Environemnt, Gernder and Development Studies. His areas of interest are Policy impact analysis, agricultural technology adoption studies, participatory action reserach, marketing and value chain analysis, climate chnage and land polcy analysis. He has published on different topics in the national and international journals.